Tuesday, March 8, 2011

HP-UX Overview and Command Summary - page 4

Login Environment
/etc/profile - main profile for all users


export TMPDIR=/tmpsort
export TEMPDIR=/tmpsort

source a profile:    ". ./profile"

Changing prompt:

export PS1=$(hostname):'$PWD # '

This gives a prompt that has the hostname followed by the current directory, ending in the # (useful for root logins).
netstat -a   <--ports
netstat -i  <--interfaces
netstat -r  <--routing table
netstat -rv  <--routing table and subnet mask

lanscan - provides hardware information about the nics in the server
lanadmin - menu driven interface to administer lan nics
lanadmin -x 0  bypass menu and show lan driver specific options for nic with id 0
lanadmin -X 100FD 0  - bypass menu and set nic at id 0 to 100 MBS, Full Duplex

ioscan -fnkC lan   - shows ioscan information for device type "lan"

lanscan -i|awk '{print $1}'|xargs -i ifconfig {}   -> does an ifconfig on all defined interfaces on that server

Changing the IP Address and Subnet mask:
  • set_parms ip_address
  • Then supply ip address and subnet mask when prompted.  This process will require a reboot.
Changing the Default Gateway

deletes print jobs from queue
jet admin
ls -d -o file
prints a file
lpsched -v
lists jobs in queue. -s  -t
pr .profile | lp -n3
pr -o10 -l64 -F -h

| lp
prints using margins of 10, page length of 64, header on each page
  • cd rc.config.d
  • vi netconf
Network Time Protocol (NTP)
ntpq -p   --> lists ntp peers and their time sync status
ntpq -p   --> lists time sync status with that server (slightly different detail than ntpq -p)

/etc/ntp.conf  --> configuration file
Changes to the configuration require ntp daemon (xntpd) be stopped and restarted (restart is not recognized):
  • /sbin/init.d/xntpd stop
  • /sbin/init.d/xntpd start
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HP-UX Overview and Command Summary - page 3

7400 Disk Array

armdsp -a va7400   <-- real time display of the disk array
armmgr -D va7400 HPA6189A00SG218H0024
armdiscover  /opt/sanmgr/commandview/client/sbin    -->  Tells us the serial number
armhost -d
armhost -d 50060b000014e313 00SG218J0024
ioscan -fnc disk | more

cvui - creates luns
  • Choose storage array
  • Create LUN
    • Find last LUN
    • Create with new lun number
  • View existing luns
Process to export disk configuration to a file:
  • sam --> actions-->export
  • volume group name  --> mapfile name
Fibre Channel Devices

ioscan -fknC fc  <-- Lists fibre channel adapters.

To identify the devices:

ls -l /dev/fc*

fcmsutil - utility for fibre channel operations
fcmsutil /dev/

Procedure to run fcmsutil on a fibre channel:
ioscan -fnC disk|more   --> Identify hw path of fibre channel adapter
ioscan -fnH 1/0/0/0  -->  Identify device of fibre channel adapter
or ls /dev/fc* on older adapters (arbitrated loop)
fcmsutil /dev/fcms2 stat  -->  fcmsutil that shows status of fibre channel adapter

Startup Log
Software package installation log
System Error Log
Shutdown Log
Crash log

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HP-UX Overview and Command Summary - Page 2

Page 1 Continuation.......!!!

CIFS (Samba)
Device Management
HP-UX is a hardware path based operating system.  When it boots up it does a hardware detection.  It then compares the hardware that it detects with the hardware that is listed in /etc/ioconfig.  If new hardware is detected, it is assigned the next available configuration information in the proper hardware path.

rmsf - remove special files
insf - install special files

insf -C disk -e   <-- This command will re-install all of the device files for the class "disk"

lsdev   <-- Lists devices and drivers in the system

ioscan   <-- searches for all devices and displays their hardware path
ioscan -fnC disk  <-- searches for all devices of  class (C) disk
ioscan -fnH  <-- searches for a LUN

last 2 digits of hardware path in the LUN in octal  (1/12/0/0.1.23)

Disk Devices

A disk device will have a name in the following format:  c#t#d#

c# is the card number
t# is the target number
d# is the LUN - this is normally 0 unless RAID is being utilized

scsictl -a /dev/rdsk/c?t?d?  <-- display control parameter information about the disk device
scsictl -a -m queue_depth=4 -m queue_depth /dev/rdsk/c?t?d?      <-- sets the queue depth

CD-ROM Devices

nohup /usr/sbin/pfs_mountd &  - starts process
nohup /usr/sbin/pfds &  - starts process

pfs_mount -o xlat=unix /dev/dsk/c0t1d0 /cdrom        - mounts cdrom

Cdrom won't eject:
  1. pfs_umount -c OR
  2. kill -9 pfs_mountd and kill -9 mountd
Cdrom won't mount using:  pfs_mount -o xlat=unix /dev/dsk/c0t1d0 /cdrom
  1. nohup /usr/sbin/pfs_mountd &
  2. nohup /usr/sbin/pfsd
  3. /usr/sbin/pfs_mount /cdrom    <-- this uses mounting information in /etc/pfs_fstab
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HP-UX Overview and Command Summary - Page1

shutdown -r 0 --> reboot
shutdown -h now  --> shutdown and halt
shutdown 0 --> shutdown to single user mode
reboot 0 --> reboot
init 1 - single user mode
hpux -is  boots single user mode

Interupting the boot process:
  • Configuration Menu
  • Information Menu
  • Service Menu
GSP Mode
  • From the console hit
  • Hit at the GSP console login (default is no password)
  • Now low level commands can be entered
    • ps  --> power status

To reboot to single user mode:
  1. shutdown -r 0
  2. hit during 10 sec window to interrupt reboot
  3. enter:
  4. interact with ipl? yes
  5. hpux -is  (i=init, s=single user)

To reboot manually to init 3 level
  1. shutdown -r 0
  2. during 10 sec window
  3. bo
  4. interact with ipl  --> yes
  5. hpux -is   (i=init, s=single user mode)
  6. mount -a
  7. init 3
Startup/Shutdown Scripts

/sbin/rc0.d                                These are all linked to actual scripts in /sbin/init.d
/sbin/rc2.d                                scripts with k are kill scripts and scripts with s are start scritps.

/etc/rc.config.d    --> Scripts
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Friday, March 4, 2011

Issue: Menu bar missing in Outlook 2003

Issue Description:
Problem with the menu bar in Outlook 2003

Troubleshooting Steps:
Delete the file named outcmd.dat in the
C:\Documents and Settings\$Username$\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook folder

Once resolved, the email should like the one shown below:

Searching for Large Items (exchange)

Best Practice Definition

Retaining unnecessary messages, especially those that contain large attachments,  quickly takes up the storage space on the Exchange server. This can lead to a crash of the server, leading to down time for users. Thus, it is important to apply correct storage practices to these messages. (Exchange is not meant for long term storage of information!)

Best Practice Usage

One of the easiest way to clean up storage space is to go after the largest items first.  Here the steps to find the large items you have in your mailbox:

·         Along the left hand side, near the top, click on the item that starts with “Mailbox”.
·         Go to Tools, Find.
·         Click on the Advanced button.
·         In the upper left hand corner, type “200” in the box next to “At Least” item.
·         Click on OK
·         Click on Find Now.

Once these search results are completed, you can sort the items by Size (click on the Size bar) and concentrate on removing the larger items first.   Please follow the best practices for saving 

Ensuring that the Deleted Items Folder is set to “Empty on Exit”

Best Practice Definition

Until the final implementation of the “Automatically Delete messages in the Deleted Items folder after 2 days” process is implemented, this is a good area to look for wasted storage.

Best Practice Usage

·         Go to Tools, Options.
·         Select the General Tab.
·         Make sure that the check box labeled “Empty Deleted Items folder upon exiting” is checked.


Retaining Individual E-mail Messages

Best Practice Definition

Retaining unnecessary messages quickly takes up the storage space on the Exchange server. This can lead to a crash of the server, leading to down time for users. Thus, it is important to apply correct storage practices to these messages. (Exchange is not meant for long term storage of information!)

Best Practice Usage

When you receive a message that you need to save beyond 365 days, you should save the message in your "My Documents" directory on your hard drive (which is backed up to your O: drive daily).  After saving the attachment, delete it from the message or delete the entire message itself.

Steps to save a message:

·         Highlight or Open the attachment and choose "File", "Save As".
·         Select the appropriate directory in My Documents (preferred storage location).
·         Select the File Type RTF format for text only                                                                                                      MSG format to save as message format with attachment 
·         Click OK.
·         Delete the original Message.

Steps to save multiple messages
·         Open explorer session and create folder for messages to be saved in
·         Open outlook
·         Go to the outlook folder (eg Inbox)and select multiple messages to move. You can select non-adjacent messages by holding down the CTRL-key                                        
·         Ensure all messages to move are highlighted.
·         Click and drag to start tool bar – ensure cursor is over explorer session
·         Explorer session will maximise
·         Drop messages into required directory.
·         Check that messages have copied across OK
·         Delete messages from outlook


If your message has the same subject line as an existing one in the destination folder, it WILL OVERWRITE the original message.

When copying multiple messages – all  messages should be highlighted at message level not folder name. Complete folders cannot be copied across by the folder name -  this will create shortcuts to the original message.

Always check that the messages have successfully copied across (and ensure that they are not shortcuts) before deleting them from outlook.                               


How will I know when I am reaching the maximum size limitations?

·         Warning messages when total size of mailbox is approaching the maximum allowed.  The message will look like this:

You are exceeding the size limit set on your mailbox by the system administrator.
Your mailbox size limit is 92460 Kbytes
You are currently exceeding this limit by 11453 Kbytes

You may not be able to send new mail until you reduce your mailbox size. To free up space, delete any items that you are no longer using or move them to your Personal Folders.  Items in all of your mailbox folders including the Deleted Items and Sent Items folders count against your size limit.  You must empty the Deleted Items folder after deleting items or the space will not be freed.

·         Rejection message from “system admin” when trying to send a message if the mailbox size exceeds the preset limits.
·         Rejection message from “system admin” if the message is too large.
·         When a user exceeds the Mailbox size limit, they will still be able to receive messages, but will not be able to send new messages until they remove some of the material from their mailbox.

How can I recover deleted items? (Exchange)

The deleted items folder is kept in an archive for 7 days (Depend upon your Policies) after the messages have been deleted.

They may be recovered anytime within this 7 day period by doing the following :-
·         Open Outlook 98
·         Select “Deleted Items” folder
·         Select “Tools” from the menu bar
·         Choose “recover deleted items” from the drop down menu
·         Select all items you wish to recover
·         Click on the button  “ Recover selected items”
·         The deleted items will then be restored to your “Deleted Items” folder

Please Note :
The recovered messages will be deleted again from the deleted items folder when you exit outlook so they should be moved immediately to another folder outside of exchange if you wish to retain them.
Please refer to Exchange Best Practices document on your local shared drive in Help Desk Information folder for more instructions.
Deleted items will not be recoverable after seven days.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

windows admin

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turn UAC off and you will never need the "run as admin" stuff anymore. ...

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in Windows 7 that account is hidden by default.

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If I add the user to the Domain Admin groups, then they are able ... Local
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TR Dojo: Four netstat tricks every Windows admin should know VIDEO (4 of
14) TR Dojo: Four netstat tricks every Windows. ...

Missing security tab - Security-Admin - Windows-XP
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Hello, when I right-click on the printer, then click on properties their is
no security tab.

Forgot our administrator password - Tech Support Guy Forums
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Feb 8, 2011 ... I know, its a rookie move. We had our roommate reload
windows and all our software. We can't remember what he entered as the
administrator ...

Windows Forums • View topic - What Did Your Mouse Just do for the ...
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avatar. Site Admin. Site Admin. Windows Guru. Windows Guru ...

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Nessus 4.4.0 on Windows Server 2008 - nessus-adduser fails w/
"Administrator" error. Trying to run nessus-adduser as a user that is part
of ...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Net security opening

An IT company located in Kanjur marg require 3 persons for Net Security.

  • Working knowledge in Nokia Firewall with Checkpoint firewall R70
  • IBM Site Protector (IDS/IPS knowledge)
  • For Vulnerability assessment and analysis. (ISS, Nessus, GFILanguard)
  • Patch management Like Big fix, LANDesk etc...
  • Antivirus (Preferably MacAfee)
  • Packet Analysis. (Sniffer, Wire shark, Ethereal)

 Please send in your updated CV with current and expected CTC mentioned on it.


Thanks and Regards,
Sameer K
Shonel Services
Cell - 9820502077 / 9820880702

Friday, February 4, 2011

Tech Support Engg at HP

Greetings from HP,

HP is hiring Tech Support Engineers for 3par at Bangalore Location,
Key Attributes

• Must possess excellent Communication skills - professional, clear, and articulate in English(oral/written)
• Have the courage to challenge processes and practices in our strive for continual improvement
• Be able to follow processes as outlined in the Support Process Guidelines.
• Interact closely with Peers, next-level team members and Managers to resolve customer issues.
• Exhibit a positive attitude to customers and other employees.
• Be able to demonstrate empathy and understanding.
• Continue to upgrade technical and customer service skills.
• Participate in shift work as required
• Ability to remain calm whilst under pressure


• BS in CS/EE degree or equivalent related technical school or related experience.
• 2-6 years of relevant experience in the high-tech industry, preferably within the enterprise Storage /networking arena
• General / high level knowledge of Unix Systems (Solaris, HP, AIX, LinuxWindows and VMware
• General / high level of knowledge supporting complex Enterprise Storage systems and Storage Area Networks.
• Experience in SAN Switch/Fabric: Core Edge Topology, Fiber Channel Routing and Protocol Virtual SANs, LUN Exports, host bus adapters, Storage management; NAS, and Enterprise storage systems (troubleshooting, updating, and maintaining H/W).
• Must have demonstrated ability to take initiative in identifying and successfully resolving technical problems at customer sites via phone and email.
• As an individual in this position, you must have strong communication skills, both verbal and written; be able to develop and document technical and operational notes; effectively communicate with end-customers and internally when resolving customer problems or escalating cases.
• Proven troubleshooting ability to perform end-to-end (host to storage) diagnosis of complex large scale enterprise SAN configurations in a multivendor environment.
• Experience with enterprise storage systems and networking technologies
• Ability to work with customers under a variety of circumstances and understandimg and meeting customer expectations is fundamental.

If you find the JD relevant Kindly revert back with an updated resume at the earliest'

Vasudha Patil

Forward Your CV to   Hewlett-Packard India Pvt Ltd <vasudha-s.patil@hp.com
All the best......:)  Yours Laxman Jonnalagadda.

Hiring Security Analyst Professionals in TCS MUMBAI - Work Location : Delhi

Hi Friend,

We have openings in Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) Delhi for the following skill.

Face-to-Face interviews will be held on 5/6 -Feb-11

Security Analyst professionals - 3+ yrs.

• Maintain security administration on Medco Systems: SecureId, RACF, Oracle, Sybase,
UNIX, Alpha, eSD, Autofax, DB2, JDE, TIM
- User ID password administration
- Account creation, deletions and modifications
- Security access administration
- User ID password resets
• Maintain updated security documentation
• Support all audit initiatives
• Report systems and security issues to management
• Provide resolution and support for all day to day responsibilities


Dateâ€" 5th Feb 2011 (Saturday)
Venue- Gateway Park Akruti Business Port, Gateway Park, Road NO. 13, MIDC, Andheri Mumbai 400 093
Registration Time:
10.00 am to 12.30 pm

Dateâ€" 6th Feb 2011 (Sunday)
Venue- Vikroli office Empire Plaza, Empire Industrial Estate, (Adjacent to Empire Vitrum Glass), 101 LBS Marg, Vikhroli (West), Mumbai 400 083
Registration Time:
10.00 am to 12.30 pm

If any of your friends/colleagues are looking for opportunities, please pass this msg.

Pls carry along the following with you:
-Printed copy of TCS Online form
-A copy of your latest resume.
-A copy of your last salary slip.

Salary: Best in the Industry

Please ignore this mail if you have been INTERVIEWED by TCS in last 6 months

Eligibility :

B.E. / B.Tech / M.E. / M.Tech / MSc / MCA / MCM / MS/ MBA (IT Systems)
PGDIT (2 years full time Approved by AICTE)

B.Sc. / BCA/ B.Com /Diploma holders with 3 years of relevant functional / technical experience.

50% consistent academic records including the Qualifying exam

Correspondence/Part time courses will not be considered

Candidates who have attended TCS interviews in the last 6 months need not apply.

Contact Person:
Warm Regards